322 Light on Yoga
pupils may then move into Urdhva Dhanurasana (Plate 486) by drop
ping the legs behind the back and extending the arms and then stand
up in Tasfasana. (Plate 1 .) When one has mastered Viparlta Cha�rasana
(Plates 488 to 499), it is a soothing exercise after practising Urdhva
The spine is stretched fully and the effect of Paschimottanasana (Plate
160) is gained in a very short time. The arms and the abdominal organs
will grow strong.
All these intricate and difficult positions bring results quicker than
the simple ones. When the body becomes more pliable, the simple poses
will have little or no effect. The wise therefore discard them and practise
the intricate poses just as a scholar will not repeat the alphabet daily.
But, just as dancers daily practise some basic steps and do no� discard
them, so also pupils of yoga should continue daily to perform Slr�asana
(Plates 184 to 21 8) and Sarvangasana with their cycles. (Plates 234 to
- Par5va Kukkufiisana Twenty-four* (Plates 424 and 424a;^425 and
Parsva means side, flank or oblique. Kukku�a means a cock.
r. Perform Salamba Slr�asana II. (Plate 192)
- Move into Padmasana by placing first the right foot on the root of