Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1

Y ogosanas, Bandha and Kriya 343

In this pose, the spine is rested and the body relaxed. It also makes the
knees and ankles more elastic in movement.

I64. Supta Bhekasana Twenty-one* (Plate 458)
Supta means reclining. Bheka means a frog. This pose is the reverse
posture of Bhekasana. (Plate I oo)


I. Sit in Vihisana. (Plate 86)

  1. Turn the palms up and insert each hand under the respective
    foot. Push the feet up from the floor and recline. Take a few breaths.

3· Exhale, lift the 'hips off the floor (Plate 457), pull the thighs up
and arch the trunk, resting the crown of the head on the floor. (Plate


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