Y ogasanas, Bandha and Kriya 349
- Hold the right foot with the right palm and the left foot with the
left palm.
3· With the help of the hands, draw the feet up towards the trunk,
invert the ankles (Plate 467), pull the knees and thighs (Plate 468),
and place the heels and the outer sides of the feet against the navel
and chest. (Plate 469.) To start with the feet are likely to slip down.
Practise the pose for a few weeks, holding the feet firmly against the
4· Release the hands, and either stretch the arms straight and rest the
back of the hands on the knees (Plate 470) or join the palms in front
of the chest. (Plate 471.) Keep the back erect and stay in the pose for
about 30 seconds with deep breathing.