400 Light on Yoga
knees. The legs from the knees to the toes and the extended arms over
the head resemble the tightly drawn bow-string.
The posture is given below in three movements.
Te chnique
I. Lie fiat on the floor on the stomach, face downwards.
- Put the palms on the floor on either side of the chest. Press them
down and straightening the arms, raise the head and trunk off the
floor as in Bhujangasana I. (Plate 73.) Bend the knees and lift the
feet up. Exhale, move the feet and head closer to each other and try
to touch the head with the feet. (Plate 552)
3· Place one foot over the other. Then, putting greater weight on the
hand on one side, lift the other hand off the floor. With a fast and
deep exhalation stretch the lifted arm from the shoulder over the head
and catch the toes. (Plate 553.) Now lift the other hand off the floor
with an exhalation and also grasp the toes. Maintain a firm grip on the
toes and with the right hand catch the right big toe tightly and hold
the left one with the left hand. (Plate 554.) Take a few breaths.
4· Hold the feet firmly, otherwise they will slip from the hands. Then
with an exhalation stretch the arms and the legs as high as you can
above the head. Try to straighten the arms at the elbows. This is the
first movement. (Plate 555.) Hold the pose for about 15 seconds.
5· Maintaining the grip on the toes, now bend the elbows and pull the
feet down until the heels rest on the head. Gradually increase the
tension so that the heels rest first on the forehead, then on the eyes