448 Light on Yoga
r6. Retention and the lengthening of inhalation and exhalation
should only be attempted with the help and under the guidance of an
experienced Guru.
- Always conclude by lying down in Savasana. (Plate 592)
The blood receives a larger supply of oxygen in Na9-1 Sodhana than
in normal breathing, so that one feels refreshed and the nerves are
calmed and purified. The mind becomes still and lucid.
Note.-In the beginning the body perspires and shakes, while the thigh
and arm muscles become tense. Such tension should be avoided.
I. Persons suffering from high blood pressure or heart trouble should
never attempt to hold their breath (kumbhaka). They can practise
Nadi'. Sodhana Pranayama. without retention (kumbhaka) with beneficial
- Persons suffering from low blood pressure can do this praJ;Iayama
with retention after inhalation Cantara k:..unbhaka) only, with beneficial