Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1
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  1. Bhastrika Pranayama
    Bhastrika means a bellows used in a furnace. Here the air is forcibly
    drawn in and out as in a blacksmith's bellows. Hence the name. The
    technique is given in two stages here.

Technique Stage I
I. Follow the technique in paras I and 2 of Ujjayi.

  1. Take a fast, vigorous breath and exhale fast and forcefully. One
    inhalation and one exhalation completes a cycle of Bhastrika. The
    sound made resembles air rushing· through bellows.

3· Complete at a stretch IO to I2 cycles. Then take a slow deep breath
as in Ujjayi. Retain the breath with Mula Bandha for 2 to 3 seconds,
then exhale slowly and deeply as in Ujjayi.
4· This Ujjayi type of breathing rests the lungs and the diaphragm
and prepares them for fresh cycles of Bhastrika.
5· Repeat the cycles of Bhastrika three to four times with Ujjayi
breathing in between.

  1. If the sound of the air lessens, and the vigour diminishes, then
    reduce their number.
    7. Aft�r completion lie down in Savasana. (Plate 592)

Stage II
I. Follow the technique in paras I and 2 of Ujjayi.

  1. Adjust the thumb and finger pressure on the nostrils as explained
    in the technique of Siirya Bhedana.

3· Close the left nostril completely but keep the right nostril partially

  1. Inhale and exhale vigorously only through the right nostril for
    ro to 12 cycles of Bhastrika as in Stage I above.

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