Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1

450 Light on Yoga

5· Close the right nostril. Open the left nostril partially and repeat
Bhastrika for an equal number of cycles.

  1. Release the fingers from the nostrils.

  2. Take a few deep breaths as in Ujjayi.

  3. Repeat the cycles on both sides three or four times, doing Ujjayi
    in between.

9· After completion lie down in Savasana. (Plate 592)
Note. -The process or kriya of-207-Kapalabhati (kapala =skull;
bhati =light, lustre) is a milder form of Bhastrika Prat)ayama. In
Kapalabhati, the inhalation is slow but the exhalation is vigorous.
There is a split second of retention after each exhalation. Do a few
cycles of Kapalabhati instead of Bhastrika if the latter breathing proves
too strenuous. Lie down in Savasana after finishing Kapalabhati.
(Plate 592)

Both Bhastrika and Kapalabhati activate and invigorate the liver,
spleen, pancreas and abdominal muscles. Thus digestion is improved,
the sinuses are drained, the eyes feel cool and one has a general sense
of exhilaration.

r. As a locomotive engine is stoked with coal to generate steam to pull
the train, so Bhastrika generates prat)a to activate the entire body.
Too much stoking burns out the boiler of the engine. So also too long
a practice of Bhastrika wears out the system as the breathing process
is forceful.

  1. Persons with a weak constitution and poor lung capacity should not
    attempt Bhastrika or Kapalabhati.
    3· Those suffering from ear or eye complaints (pus in the ear,
    detachment of the retina or glaucoma) should not attempt them either.

4· Nor should persons with high or low blood pressure.
5· If the nose starts to bleed or the ears to throb and ache, Im­
mediately stop Bhastrika or Kapalabhati.

  1. Do not practise either for some time.
    208. Bhamar2 Prar;ayama
    Bham�r}" means a large black bee.

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