Pra1Jiiyama 453
Persons with high blood pressure may find greater strain in Sitakar'i
than in S'ital'i Pra1,1ayama.
2I x. Sarna Vrtti Pra'f}Ziyama
I. Sarna means the same or identical, straight, entire, whole and
complete: also similarly or in the same manner.
- Vrtti means action, movement, function or operation, a course of
conduct or method.
3· In Sarna Vrtti Pra1,1ayama, therefore, an attempt is made to
achieve uniformity in the duration of all the three processes of
breathing, namely, puraka or inhalation, kumbhaka or retention, and
rechaka or exhalation in any type of pra1,1ayama. If one lasts^5 seconds
so do the others.
4· This uniformity of 5 seconds should be maintained throughout all
the cycles of breathing in any type of Pranayama like Ujjay'i, Siirya
Bhedana, Na�n Sodhana, Sital'i and so on.
5· In the beginning Sarna Vrtti Pra1,1ayama should be confined only
to inhalation (puraka) and exhalation (rechaka).
- First, achieve uniformity of length of time in puraka and rechaka
then only attempt antara kumbhaka (retention of breath after full
7· Start the antara kumbhaka gradually. In the beginning, the ratio
of time for piiraka, antara kumbhaka and rechaka should be kept at
I : t : I. Very slowly increase the proportions to I :! : I. After this is
firmly established attempt I : � : I. Only after mastering this, increase
the proportion of' antara kumbhaka so as to achieve the ratio of
I : I : I.
8. Do not attempt bahya kumbhaka (restraint of breath after full
exhalation) until you have achieved the desired ratio of I : I : I in
piiraka, antara kumbhaka and rechaka.
9· If all air is expelled from the lungs, the vacuum inside and the
atmospheric pressure outside will create a tremendous strain upon the
lungs. Therefore, in the beginning, do not do both an tara kumbhaka and
bahya kumbhaka together.
Io. Practise antara kumbhaka and bahya kumbhaka separately or
alternately. It is beneficial to practise kumbhakas first by interspersing