Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1
452 Light on Yoga

5· Protrude the curled tongue out of the lips. Draw in the air past
the curled tongue with a sibilant sound (sssssssa) to fill the lungs
completely. The air is drawn in as if through a pipette or a drinking
straw. After full inhalation withdraw the tongue and close the mouth.

  1. After full inhalation, lower the head, from the nape of the neck, to
    the trunk. The chin should rest in the notch between the collar­
    bones just above the breast-bone. The head is now in the Jalandhara
    Bandha position.

7· Now hold the breath Cantara kumbhaka) for about^5 seconds,
practising Miila Bandha (see p. 437).

  1. Exhale slowly with an aspirate sound (hhuuuuuuuum) through the
    nose as in Ujjayl.

9· This completes one cycle of Sitali Pra�ayama.
Io. Lift the head and repeat the cycle for 5 to IO minutes.

I 1. After completion lie down in Savasana. (Plate 592)

This cools the system and soothes the eyes and ears. It is beneficial
in cases of low fever and biliousness. It activates the liver and the
spleen, improves digestion and relieves thirst.

I. Persons suffering from high blood pressure should omit an tara

  1. Those with heart trouble should not attempt Sitali Pra�ayama m
    the beginning.

2IO. Sitakar"i Priir}
Sitakarl is that which causes cold. This ts a variation of Sitali

Here the tongue is not curled. The lips are kept slightly parted and
only the tip of the tongue protrudes between the teeth. The tongue
is kept fiat as in its normal state. Follow the same technique as in
Sitall Pranayama.


The effects are the same as those mentioned for Sitall Prax:tayama.

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