Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1

494 Appendix I I

(Even the deep breathing, this should be done witho�t strain and pre­
ferably with thf' guidance of a competent teacher.) Savasana (592) for
I5 minutes twice a day.

Deformity in legs
All the standing positions (4 to 48); Janu-Sir�asana (I27); Ardha Baddha
Padma Paschimottanasana (I35); Triangmukhaikapada Paschimottan­
asana (I39); Krounchasa!?-a (I4I); Upavi�h�a Kof?.3sana (I5I); Ubhaya
Padangughasana (I67); Urdhva Mukha Paschimottanasana I & II (168
and I70); Halasana (244); Jatara. Parivartanasana (275); Supta. Padan-
gusthasana (284 to 287); Anantasana (290); Adhomukha Svanasana
(75); Salabhasana (6o); Hanumanasana (475); Samakof?.3sana (477);
Supta Trivikramasana (478).

Deformity in arms
�ll the standing poses (I to 48); Parvatasana (107); Halasana (244);
Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (74); Adhomukha Svanasana (75); Adho­
mukha V�k�asana (359); Gomukhasana (8o); Mar1chyasana I & III (I44
and 303); Ardha Matsyendrasana I (3 II); Baddha Padmasana (II 8);
Malasana I (32I); Pasasana (328).


  • Sirsasana. and cycle (I 84 to 2 I 8);.. Sarvangasana and cycle ( 2 34 to 2 7 I);
    Mahamudra (125); Janu-Sirsasana (127); Paschimottanasana (r6o);
    Vlrasana. (89); Supta Vi'rasana .(96) ; Akarna. Dhanurasana ( 173 and 175);
    Salabhasana(6o); Dhanurasana (63); ParipoorJ?.a Navasana (78); Ardha
    Navasana (79); Jatara Parivartanasana (275); Uttanasana (48); Mar1chy­
    asana I, II, III and IV (146, 303 and 305); Ardha Matsyendrasana I,
    II and III (3!_1, 330 and 332); Pasasana (328); ParipoorJ?.a Matsyendr­
    asana (336); Urdhva Dhanurasana (486); Dwipada Vipar1ta Dax;tc;Iasana
    (5I6); Mayiirasana (354); Ham�asana (356); Bhujangasana I an.d II (73
    and 550); Uddfyana (Section 20I), Nauli (Section 202), Nad1 Sodhana
    PraJ).ayama (Section 205) with inhalation retention; Savas�a (592).

Salamba • Sirsasana • I ( 1 84); Salamba Sarvangasana I (234); Nad1
Sodhana Prax;tayama (Section 205) without retention.

Dilation of heart

  • Nad1. Sodhana Pranayama. (Section 205) without retention.

Displacement of uterus
Sir�asana and cycle (184 to 2I8); Sarvangasana and cycle (234 to 271);
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