Appendix I I 495
Uttanasana , (48); Padangusthasana .. (44); Pada-Hastasana (46); Adho-
mukha Svanasana (75); Dar:tqasana (77); Parvatasana (I07); Matsyasana
(I I4); Baddha Kor:tasan� (Ioi); Upavigha Kor:tasana (I 5 I); Ujjayi
(Section 203) and Naq1 Sodhana Prar:tayama (Section 205); Uqq1yana
(Section 20I).
Displacement of the spinal discs
All the standing poses (4 to I9); Padangu��hasana (43); Pada Hastasana
(45); Uttanasana (47); Paschimottanasana (I6o); Salabhasana (6o and
6I); Makarasana (62); Dhanurasana (63); Ustrasana (4I); Bhujangasana
I (73); Ordhva Mukha Svanasana (74); Uttanapadasana (292); Setu
bandhasana (296); Sarvangasana I (234); Setubandha Sarvangasana
(259); Pincha Mayiirasana (357); Adhomukha Vrk�asana (359); Parvat
asana (107); Mats�asana (I 13); Supta V1rasana (96) ; Paryankasana (97);
Parighasana(39); UrdhvaDhanurasana(486and487) ;Dwipada Vipar1ta
Dar:tqasana (5 I 6); Ujjayi (Section 203) and Naqi" Sodhana Prar:tayama
(Section 205).
S1r�asana and possible asanas in the cycle (I 84 to 2 I 8); Sarvangasana
and possible , asanas in the cycle ' (234 to 27I); Mahamudra (I25); Janu-
S1rsasana. (I27); Nad1 Sodhana. Pranayama. (Section 205) without
Follow the asanas dealing with Acidity
Ep ilepsy
Salamba S1r�asana I (I 84); Salamba Sarvangasana I (234); Halasana
(244); Mahamudra (I25); Paschimottanasana ' (r6o); Ujjayi Pranayama.
with inhal�tion retention and Na<;f1 Sodhana Pr,a�ayama without
retention; Sanmukhi Mudra (Io6) for 5 minutes; Savasana (592) for
any length of time at disposal. Si"tali Prar:tayama (6oi); Dhyana or
Ey es
S1r�asana and cycle (I84 to 2I8);-Sarvangasana and cycle (234 to 27I);
Uttanasana (48); Paschimottanasana (160); Tra�aka or gazing with eyes
closed at the tip_of the nose for some time, and in between the eyebrows
for some time. Sanmukhi Mudra ' (Io6); S1tali (6oi) and Nad1. Sodhana
Prar:tayama (Section 205); Savasana (592).