8o Light on Yoga
- Exhale, bend the trunk forward, rest the head on the left knee and
gradually extend the chin beyond the left knee by stretching the neck
as in position 6.
9· After holding the pose from 20 seconds to half a minute with
normal breathing, inhale, move the head to the centre and the fe et to
their original position so that the toes point forward. Then raise the
trunk up.
ro. Exhale and jump back to Tac;iasana (Plate r), releasing the hands
from the back.
r r. If you cannot fold the hands together behind the back, just grip the
wrist and follow the above technique. (Plates 27 and 28)
This asana relieves stiffness in the legs and hip muscles and makes
the hip joints and spine elastic. While the head is resting on the knees,
the abdominal organs are contracted and toned. The wrists move freely
and any stiffness there disappears. The posture also corrects round and
drooping shoulders. In the correct pose, the shoulders are drawn well
back and this makes deep breathing easier.