To do nothmg IS m every man's power.
Move to Action
How to Turn Crucial
Conversations into
Action and Results
Up until this point we've suggested that getting more meaning
into the pool helps with dialogue. It's the one thing that helps
people make savvy decisions that, in turn, lead to smart actions.
In order to encourage this free flow of meaning, we've shared the
skills we've been able to learn by watching people who are gift
ed at dialogue. By now, if you've followed some or all of this
advice, you're walking around with full pools. People who walk
near you should hear the sloshing.
It's time we add two final skills. Having more meaning in the
pool. even jointly owning it, doesn't guarantee that we all agree
on what we're going to do with the meaning. For example, when
Il!ums or families meet and generate a host of ideas, they often
fail to convert the ideas into action for two reasons: