Napoleon: A Biography
east and Carteaux from the west. The two generals immediately fell foul of their energetic young artillery officer who, with Sal ...
of Italy. Another timid commander, General Doppet, a former dentist who allegedly could not stand the sight of blood, came and w ...
the political commissars that Dugommier's heart was not in the job. They toyed with asking Napoleon himself to lead, but he quic ...
that evening made a great impression on Napoleon's romantic soul. The French began to enter Toulon next day. Toulon was a great ...
Army of Italy, with headquarters at Nice. With his general's pay of r s,ooo livres a year - a twelvefold increase in income sinc ...
Marseilles and Toulon, while he waited for the ratification of his new appointment to come through, Napoleon moved to Nice, with ...
for he was perceived in Paris as a military technician par excellence and in the very month of Thermidor had become a general-el ...
indulgence for, in Saliceti's view, there was still political mileage to be made out of exploiting his military talent. To his c ...
a child on her. He later numbered her among his conquests and confessed sheepishly that he had needlessly sacrificed the lives o ...
management. Qu ite apart from the fact that the executive was now chock full of regicides, he saw clearly that their economic i ...
CHAPTER SIX The exact date when Napoleon met the first significant woman in his life (Letizia apart) is not known, but by the ti ...
musical talent, and how she could brush up her deportment and manners. When Desiree, unsurprisingly, rebuked him for his unroman ...
and insane rumour. In the countryside near Lyons he meets two sisters, Amelie and Eugenie. After some inconsequential flirting w ...
Marmont and Junot, he set off north in a post-chaise, travelling via Avignon, Montelimar, Valence, Lyons and the Saone to the Ma ...
At this time Napoleon was so ugly, he cared so little for his appearance, that his uncombed and unpowdered hair gave him a disag ...
assertion that Napoleon was bold and resourceful only when luck was running his way, but when at a low ebb he was timid, circums ...
One woman who certainly was a salient consideration to Napoleon during the dreadful limbo of summer 1795 was Theresia Tallien. H ...
Second Empire after the 1848 Revolution. Theatres flourished as never before, conspicuous consumption was the order of the day a ...
and opportumsttc. A cardsharp who was known to cheat when his instincts failed him, he ran a house that was little more than a g ...
of them are so violently royalist, and their labour and their pleasure is to win respectable people over to their cause.' Sudden ...
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