Napoleon: A Biography

(Marcin) #1

!'amelioration de cette isle (Marseilles 1978); Pierre Antonetti, Histoire de Ia
Corse (Paris 1973); Fran�ois Pomponi, Histoire de Ia Corse (Paris 1979);
Jose Colombani, Aux origines de Ia Corse fran(aise. Politique et institutions
(Ajaccio 1978); Antoine Casanova, Peuple Corse, revolution et nation
fran(ais (Paris 1979). But two studies in particular stand out: Thad Hall,
France and the Eighteenth-Century Corsica Question (NY 1971) and Jean
Francesci, La Corse fran(aise (30 novembre I789-I I juin I794, (Paris
Napoleon's enemy Pozzo di Borgo has inspired a number of studies: P.
McErlean, The Formative Years of a Russian Diplomat (1967); P. Jollivet,
Paoli, Napoleon, Pozzo di Bargo (Paris 1892); P. Ordioni, Pozzo di Bargo
(Paris 1935) and an outstanding article by Dorothy Carrington, 'Pozzo di
Borgo et les Bonaparte', Problemes d'Histoire de Ia Corse (1971)
pp.101-129. The events at Easter 1792 are studied in F. Chailley­
Pompei, 'Troubles de Paques', Problemes d'Histoire de Ia Corse (1971)
pp.179-89. For the Maddalena affair see E.J. Peyrou, L'Expedition de
Sardaigne, Le Lieutenant Bonaparte a Ia Maddalena (Paris 1912 ); G.
Godlewski, 'Bonaparte et l'affaire de la Maddalena', Revue de l'Institut
Napoleon (1964) pp.1-12 and M. Mirtil, Napoleon d'Ajaccio (Paris 1947).
For Paris in the turbulent year 1792 see R.B. Rose, The Making of the
Sans-culottes (Manchester 1983). For Louis XVI consult John Hardmann,
Louis XVI (1993). The best book for the dreadful day, 10 August 1792, is
Marcel Reinhard, IO Aout I7 92 : La Chute de Ia Royaute (Paris 1969). The
coming of war that year is discussed in T.C.W. Blanning, The Origins of
the French Revolutionary Wars (1986). Since the Army was to loom so
large in Napoleon's life and there is debate about the continuity (or lack
of it) between the revolutionary armies and Napoleon's Grande Armee,
this may be the place to cite J. Bertaud, The Army of the French
Revolution: from Citizen Soldiers to Instrument of Power (Princeton 1988).
See also J. Lynn, 'Towards an Army of Honour: the moral evolution of
the French Army, 1789-1815', French Historical Studies 16 (1989)
The severe economic crisis that made '92 such a traumatic year is ably
trawled through in Florin Aftalion, L 'i.conomie de Ia Revolution Franfaise
(Paris 1987). The depreciating currency is the particular focus of S.E.
Harris, The Assignats (Cambridge, Mass. 1930). A massive work which
enables one to follow Parisian politics almost day by day is Fritz Baesch,
La Commune de Dix Aout, I792: Etude sur l'Histoire du Paris de 2ojuin au
2 decembre IJ 92 (Paris 19rr). A traveller's tale, enabling one to appreciate
Paris exactly as it would have appeared to Napoleon is J. Moore, A
Journal during a residence in France (1793).

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