Napoleon: A Biography

(Marcin) #1

be fo llowed in Richard Bienvenu, The Ninth of Thermidor; The Fall of
Robespierre (I 968) and Gerard Walter, La Conjuration du N euf Thermidor
(Paris I974). For Robespierre there is, additionally, J.M. Thompson,
Robespierre, 2 vols (Oxford I935); George Rude, Robespierre: Portrait of a
Revolutionary Democrat (I 98 5 ); David Jordan, The Revolutionary Career of
Maximilien Robespierre (N.Y. I985) and Norman Hampson, The Life and
Opinions of Maximilien Robespierre (I974). Carnot is a key figure in
Napoleon's early life and is interestingly treated in Marcel Reinhard, Le
Grand Carnot, 2 vols (Paris I95o-52).


By now the sources for Napoleon's life are becoming copious, not to say
multitudinous. On Desiree alone there is Napoleon's own correspondence
(e.g. Correspondance 42, 45, 47), the letters from the Swedish Royal
Archives reproduced in Evangeline Bruce, Napoleon and Josephine ( I995),
the Abrantes memoirs and Napoleon's Clissold et Eugenie (in Tulard, ed.
rEuvres litteraires, op. cit. ii. pp.44o-53). The fundamental work for
Desiree is Gabriel Girod del' Ain, Desiree Clary d'apres sa correspondance
inedite avec Bonaparte, Bernadotte et sa famille (Paris I959).
For Napoleon in Paris in I794---95 there is a wealth of memoir material.
Apart from the memoirs of Joseph, Marmont, Victor, Bourrienne,
Abrantes already cited there are: Victorine de Chastenay, Memoires (Paris
I896); Paul Barras, Memoires de Barras, 3 vols (Paris I895) - to be used
with extreme care because of the violent anti-Bonaparte bias; G.J.
Ouvrard, Memoires sur sa vie (Paris I826); Louis Amour Bouille,
Souvenirs pour servir aux memoires de ma vie et mon temps (Paris I9II);
Chancelier Pasquier, Memoires, 2 vols (Paris I894); L.M. de La
Revelliere-Lepaux, Memoires (Paris I893) - almost as hostile as Barras.
There are biographies, of varying worth, of most of the leading figures in
the 'Chaumiere' circle. Jacques Castelnau, Madame Tallien (Paris I937);
Princesse de Chimay, Madame Tallien (Paris I936); Fernando Diaz-Plaja,
Teresa Carbarrus (Barcelona I943); Andre Gayot, Fortunee Hamelin (Paris
n.d.); Francyoise Wagener, Madame Recamier (Paris I986).
The classic account of France after Thermidor is in Jules Michelet,
Histoire du XIX siecle (Paris I875). Some would also claim the title of
'classic' for the work of Georges Lefebvre, Les Thermidoriens (I937) and
Le Directoire (I946). For the period I794---96 consult also: A. Mathiez, La
Reaction thermidorienne (Paris I929); A. Meynier, Les Coups d'Etat du
Directoire (Paris I929); J. Godechot, La Contre-Revolution (Paris I96I).
Some of the best recent works on this period are in English: Denis

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