Napoleon: A Biography

(Marcin) #1

created princess, 297
wife of Joseph, 77, So, S3, 206, 221, 273
Clause!, General Bertrand, 546, 561, 632
Clausewitz, Karl von 13S, 375-6, 412, 542
Cobenzl, Ludwig, 156-7
Cockburn, Admiral Sir George, 636, 639,
641, 642
Code Napoleon, 65, 254-7
promulgation (1So2), 255
Cochrance, Admiral Thomas, 421, 636
Colbourne, Sir John, 626
Colditz, battle of (!813), 552
Colli, General, 1 1 1
Collingwood, Admiral Cuthbert, 331
Collot, Jean-Pierre, 204, 222
Colonna-Cesari, Colonel, 59
Commander-in-Chief of the Army of the
Interior and governor of Paris, 96-103
Compiegne, chateau of, 468-9
Compoint, Louise, 175
Confederation of the Rhine, 346, 350, 353,
354, 359 , 379, 403, 410, 41 I, 414, 426,
432, sso, 552, ss6, 562
eclipsed at Leipzig (IS13), 572, 576
Consalvi, 247, 248, 433
Constant, Benjamin, 6o8, 629, 63o-1, 666
reforms constitution (ISIS), 6o9
Constantinople, 494
revolution (1S07), 376
constitutional reforms (I815), 6o9-10
Conte, Nicholas, 171, 183
Continental System: blockade of England,

378, (^379) , 381, 385, (^389) --{)0, 393, 394,
399, (^423) , 427, 433, 436, 437, 43s, 447,
451, 463, 466, (^477) --{), 481, 482, 484-S,
(^486) --{)o, 492, 493, 495, 497, soo, 501
contraband: growth industry, 4S3, 4S5-6,
4S7, 4S9--{) 0
Copenhagen, battle of (18oi), 234
Coquelle, 26S
Corbineau, General, 533-4
Cordoba, 399, 400
Cornwallis, Admiral William, 326
blockade of Brest, 323, 324, 331
corps system, 140-1, 144
crown offered to British, 63
English retreat, 1 34
fa ctional struggle during French
Revolution, 3S--9, 42, 49-53, 57-58,
French encroachment, 6; revolt against
French crushed at Ponte Novo, 6, 8
independent movement against Genoa, 5
vendetta, 12
Corsica and Napoleon
Adjutant-Major in Corsican Volunteers,
so; elected lieutenant-colonel, 53;
moral victory in Ajaccio, 54-5; rejoins
volunteers, 59-60
career as Corsican revolutionary
politician, 38--40, 42-56, 5 7-63
fu gitive in Corsica, 62-3
impact of country on Napoleon, 2S8-<)
last visit, 202
political fixer and propagandist, 71-2
retreat by Bonapartes, 63
Corte, 53, 59, 6o, 64
Corunna, Royal Naval blockade, 326
Courson, plot against Napoleon, 292-3
Czartoryski, Prince Adam, 496
Dalrymple, Grace (Lady Elliott), 88, 99
Damietta plague, 185
Danton, Georges Jacques, s6, sS, 6o, IJ8,
betrayed by Sieyes, 210 ·
Danzig, 379, 496, 502-3, 505
captured by French, 359
second siege, 372
Daru, 444
Dautancourt, police captain, 293
David, Jacques-Louis, 264, 273, 428-9
Davidov, Colonel, 521, 532
Davidovitch, 124, 125, 126
Davout, Marshal Louis Nicolas, 138, 307,
308--1), 33s, 341, 346, 356, 357, 361,
362, 367, 36S, 372, 373, 374, 413, 414,
417, 419, 420, 441, sso, 553, ss6, s64,
613, 627-S, 630
death, 663
defence of Hamburg (I8I3-14), 576
governor of Paris, 612
Marshal of France, 305, 306
Minister of War (ISIS), 611, 612
pawn for Fouche, 629
Russian front (1812), SOI, 509, SIJ, SIS,
SI7-I8, SI9, SJI-2, S37
staunch supporter of N., 6n
victory at Auerstadt, 3s 7-S, 665
Decres, Denis (Minister of Marine), 108,
269, 3 10, 322
Delessart, Major, 6os
Delmas, General, 244, 249
Denon, Vivant, 171
Dennewitz, battle of, s66
Denuelle, Eleanore, 277, 3S1
duplicity, 3 IS
mistress of Napoleon, 277, 317-18
Des Mazis, Alexandre, 25, 26, 36
Des Monts, Reynaud, 22-3
Desaix, General Louis Charles, 76, 109,
3os, 448, 66s
Austrian campaign (18oo), 229; killed at
Marengo, 231-2
Egyptian campaign, 177, 17S, 179, 183,
194, I9S, 19S
Napoleon's greatest commander, 41, 170

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