Napoleon: A Biography

(Marcin) #1

abdication, 395, 398
Ferro!, Royal Naval blockade, 326, 331
Fesch, Angela Maria, 3
Fesch, Fran<;ois, 3
Fesch, Cardinal Joseph (uncle), 3, 15, 33,
36, 40, 97, 273, 275, 289, 302, 315,
352, 435, 468, 470, 65o
commissary to Army of Italy, 96, 124
supports Catholic rsistance to Napoleon,
Figner, 521
Flahaut, Comte de, lover of Hortense, 472
Fontainebleau, 5 90, 591, 592, 593, 594-5
Treaty of r8r4, 59o-r; signed by
Napoleon, 595
Fontanes, Louis de, 246, 351, 475
Forbin, Count Auguste de, lover of
Pauline, 3 r 5, 387
Fortescue, Sir John, 459
Fouche, Joseph, 76, 205, zro, 233, 246,
249, 250, 253, 270, 293, 297, 319, 347,
360, 372, 38o, 388, 4rr, 433, 586, 590
alliance with Josephine, 299
betrayal, 598, 6oz, 666
double agent for Allies, 6o8, 6ro, 6rr,
628, 629, 630, 63 I -2
duplicity, 221-2, 244, z8o, 295
head of Executive Commission (r8r5),
intrigue in divorce of Josephine, 381-2,
involvement in Brumaire coup, zrz, 217,
220, 22!-2
Minister of Police, 223, 224; replaced
(r8ro), 474 recalled (r8r5), 6o8
Foures, Lieutenant, r86, r87, r88
Foures, Pauline, 198
marriage to Comte Henri de Rauchoup,
mistress of Napoleon, r8�; pensioned
off, I91)-200
mistress of Kleber, r 88
Fourier, Jean Baptiste, 171
Fox, Charles James, 249, 267
prime minister, 347
France, campaign in
invaded by Allies, (r8r3-14), 572, 576,
looted by Allies (r8r6), 653
Montmirail battle (r8r4), 58o
restoration of Bourbons, 588, 6oo-r
Six Days Campaign, 58r
surrender to Allies, 58 5-7
Treaty of Paris, 6or
Francis, Emperor of Austria, 339, 342,

(^343) , 345, 410, 4II, 421, 467, 502, 582,
592-3, 6oo, 6o6, 630, 663
renounces title of Emperor of Germany,
Treaty of Schiinbrunn, 423
Franco-Prussian War, battle of Valmy, 54
Frankfurt, 346, 435-6, 486, 575
Frederick, Archduke, 341
Frederick Augustus, King of Saxony, 379,
410, 426, 441-2, 503, 540, 552
Frederick William III, Kaiser of Prussia,
353-5, 357, 502, 582, 6o6
alliance with the Czar, 54 7
declares war on Napoleon, 355
entry into Paris (1814), 587
humiliated by Napoleon, 354
French Revolution, 37, 38, 54-82, z6r
Corsican struggle, 49-63
counter-revolution, 70, 8r, 94-6
economic upheaval, 258
Napoleon's commitment, 46-- 7; witnesses
massacre of Swiss Guards, 56;
provides him with citizen army, new
tactics and organization, 138
Thermidor reaction, 78-9, 8r-z
Freron, Stanislas, 96, 97
lover of Pauline, ro7-8, 274
Friedland, battle of, 373-5
Frimont, General, 6rr
Frotte, Comte de, 243, 666
Galitzin, 362
Gallo, Marquis of, 155
Gambier, Admiral James, rst Baron, 421
Ganteaume, Admiral, 197, 198, 199, 272,
322, 324, 325, 326, 328, 329, 330,^334
Garrau, 127, rz8, 147
Gasparin, Adrien, 72, 73, 75
Gassendi, Captain, 36
Gaudin, Martin Charles, due de Gaete,
Finance Minister, 350
Duke of Gaeta, 307
Gaza, 193
fa lls to French, r89
Gazzani, Carlotta, affair with Napoleon,
317, 384
accepts French garrison, 124
besieged by Austrians (r8oo), zz8, 229,
23o; surrender, 228, 229
Ligurian republic established, r5o, r5r
Napoleon's secret mission, 79
George, Marguerite, affair with Napoleon,
(^275) - 6, 284
George III, z66, 267, 379, 40 r
accepts Corsican crown, 65
Gerard, General Fran<;ois, 42 9, 582, 583,
6r3, 6zr
Gericault, Theodore, 430
campaign in Germany (r8r3), 547-59,
Dresden conference, 559

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