Napoleon: A Biography

(Marcin) #1
Lyons, 577, 6os-6
counter-revolution, 68
fa lls to Allies (I8I4), 585

MacDonald, Marshal Alexandre, 207, 2I4,
234, 4I7, 4I9, 420, ssi, ss3, s^6 s, s66,
s67, S7I, s83, s 87
commands Army of Reserve, 223
death, 663
defeated by Russians in Italy, 203
exploits in Austrian campaign, 424
Russian front (I812), 503, su, 530, 538
sexual marathon with Pauline, 274
Mack, General, 336, 339, 340
Macpherson, James, author of Ossian,
Napoleon's most loved book, 256, 287,
Madeira, British occupation (I8o7), 390
abandoned by French, 559
occupied by Napoleon, 406, 450, 544,
Peninsular War, 452, 544, 546
taken by Wellington, 546
uprising (I8o8), 397-8, 399
Magdeburg, capitulation of, 360
Magon, Admiral, 324
Maida, Calabria, British victory, 385
Maillard, Colonel, 54-5
Maingault, Dr, 638
Maistre, Joseph de, 248
Maitland, Captain RN, 633, 634-5, 636
Malcolm, Admiral, 642, 645
Malet, General Claude Franc;:ois de,
attempted coup in Paris (I812), 530,
537, 540
execution, 540
Malmaison, N. guest at (ISIS), 63o-I
Malmesbury, Lord, ISI
Maloyaroslavets, battle of (I812), 525, 526
Malta, I 67-8
occupied by Napoleon (I798), I75-6
recaptured by British (I8oo), 234, 265,
Mantua, besieged by Napoleon, 117, I I9,
I20, I2I, I22-3, I2S, I26, I29, I46;
surrenders, I 29
Marat, Jean-Paul, 57, 6o
Marbeuf, Charles Rene, Comte de
(governor of Corsica), 9-I I, 2 I, 22,
32, 6s
affair with Napoleon's mother, Io-II,
6s, 66
arranges free education for Napoleon
and Joseph, I I
Marbeuf, Mgr (Bishop of Autun), IS, I6,
22, 3I
Marchand, General Jean, 6os
Marchand, Louis, 638, 655

legacy fr om Napoleon, 66o
Maret Hughes, Duke of Bassano, 307, 5I4,
537, 602
Marie-Antoinette, Qu een, 467, s88
marriage to Louis XVI, 469, 470
Marie-Louise, Empress, 466, 47I, 502, 503,
504, 539, 54 I, 556, 5n s84, 585, 5S6,
s88, 59I-3, 599, 6oo, 630
adultery with Neipperg, 602
birth of son, 473-4
departs Paris (I8I4) and receives Duchy

of Parma, 5S7, (^588) --9, 590
marriage to Napoleon, 466-70, 494
tribute to Napoleon, 663-4
Marmont, Marshal Auguste, 75, 76, 86, 89,
I04, II3, I J7, I58, I88, I95, I98, 2I5,
289, 309, 338, 4I7, 44 I, 453, 550, 5SI,
564, s65, 569-70, 57I, (^579). 58o, 582,
s83, 584, 587
death, 663
defection to Allies (I8I4), 6u
exploits in Austrian campaign, 424
least successful in Peninsular War,
458 --9, 46I, 544, 545
surrenders Paris (I8I4), 585, 586
Marryat, Captain Frederick, 42I
Marseilles, counter-revolution, 70
Royal Naval blockade, 480
Martiniana, Cardinal, 246
Martinique, 239, 328, 329
Massena, Marshal Andre, 108, I09, I I2,
I22, 128, I3I, I38, I40, I46, I47, 234,
308, 309, 3IO, 3I2, 3I9, 339, 3SI, 372,
4I3, 4I4, 4I5, 4I9, 420, 447, 453, 462,
Army of Italy commander, 223
besieged in Genoa, 228, 229, 230, 232
command of Army of Portugal in
Peninsular War, 456- 8
corruption, 484-5
Duke of Rivoli and Prince of Essling,
Marshal of France, 305
proclaims Royalist sympathies, 6o7
victory in second battle of Zurich, 204
Masson, Frederic, 207, 462
Mattei, Cardinal, 119
Mecklenburg, Duke Frederick Louis of,
liaison with Josephine, 388
Melas, General, 229, 23o-I, 232
Melito, Miot de, I53, IS8, 477
Meneval, 59I, 593
secretary to Napoleon, 349, 387
Menou, General, 94, I70, I77, I79, I85,
surrenders Alexandria to British, I 99
Metternich, Count Clemens, 382, 467, 470,
soi, 552, 556, 576, 585, 590, 59I, 592,
6oo, 6o6, 664, 665

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