Napoleon: A Biography

(Marcin) #1
343, 344, 346
advance into Germany, (ISI3), 549
Russian front (ISI2), SI6, SI7-IS, SI9,
S20, S2 I, 522, 524, 52 5-6, 530, 53 I,
532, 533, 536, 542

La Coste, Anna Roche de, affair with
Napoleon, 3I6--I7
La Favorita, battle of, I29, I40
La Fere regiment, military service with,
26, JI, 35-S, 4o-I
La Haie Sainte, battle for (ISIS), 623,
La Maddalena, island of bombarded by
French, 59-60, 6I
La Perouse, 23
La Rochelle, blockaded by Royal Navy,
Lacue, soo
Lafayette, Marquis de, 233, 297, 629
opposition to Napoleon, 253; reconciled,
Laffitte, Jacques, entrusted with
Napoleon's personal fortune (ISis),
Lafon, Pierre, 274
Lagrange, General Joseph, I6I, 447
Lahorie, General, 540
Lallemand, General, 633, 637
Lamarque, General Jean Maximilien, 6I3
Lampedusa, 267
Lannes, Marshal, Jean, II2, IJS, I75, I92,
I95, I96, I9S, 2I4, 229, 2JI, 232, 249,
307, JOS, 309, 33s, 34I, 344, 356, 3SS,
362, 372, 373, 405-6, 4I3, 4I4, 553
ambassador to Portugal, 309
death in action, 4I6
Duke of Montebello, JI2
Marshal of France, 305
Lanusse, General, I94
Laon, 5S3, 5S4
Laplace, Marquis de, 26, IJS, IS9, I6I
Lapoype, General, 72-3, 2JI, 232
La Revelliere-Lepaux, Louis, IJO, ISI,
Larrey, Dr, 2S4
Las Cases, Emmanuel-Joseph de (aide), 24,
s6, 426, 462, 632, 633, 637, 63s, 64o,
642, 647, 64S
arrested and deported from St Helena,
646, 66I
Laugier de Bellecour, 28--9
Lauriston, General, 52I, 526, 552, 554,
sss, 57I
Le Marois, Captain, I02, I03
Lebron, Charles, Third Consul, 224
Leca, Colonna, 64
Leclerc, Victor Emmanuel (brother-in-law),
75, 3IS, 497

dies of yellow fever, 274
disastrous expedition to Haiti (ISoi),
seduces Pauline, uS, I33; marriage to,
Lecourbe, General Claude, 22S, 229, 232,
Lefebvre, Marshal Fran<;ois, 2I4, 2IS, 2IS,
223, 3os, 309, 372, 405, sS7
Marshal of France, 305
staunch supporter of Napoleon, 6I I
Legion of Honour instituted (ISo2), 260
legislating prowess, 252, 254
Code Napoleon, 254-7
Legrand, General, 343
Leipzig, 567
Battle of the Nations (IS13), 3IJ,
Leon, Comte (natural son), 630
Lesseps, Ferdinand de, I 7 I
Lesseps, Matthieu de, I7I
Lestocq, General, 36S
Levie, Jean-Jerome, 62
Liege, 574, 611
Ligny battle of (ISIS), 6I4-I7
Ligurian republic, ISO
invested by British, 390
Peninsular War, 456, 460
Liverpool, Lord (PM), 493, 635, 653, 665
Livingstone, Dr, 656
Lobau, General, 537, 6I3, 6I7, 623, 624,
Lodi, battle of, I I2-I3
looting of art treasures by Napoleon, I47-S
Louis XV, IO
Louis XVI, 2I, 55, 2I6, 242, 26I, 426, 42S
disastrous flight to Varennes, 4I, 55, 65
execution, sS, 6o, 6S, I62, 467
humiliated by mob at Tuileries palace,
marriage, 469-70
massacre of Swiss Guards, sS
Napoleon's ambivalence towards, 67, 6S
Louis XVIII, 242, 244, 245, 574-5, 6oo,
6o2, 6o6, 6o7, 63I-2, 665
animus with the Czar, 603
flees Paris (ISIS), 6o7
restored to the throne, 6oo-I, 632
Louise, Qu een of Prussia, 355, 359, 37S
purchased from Spain (ISoi), 23S
sold to United States, 239, 269, 2S7
Lowe, Sir Hudson, 64I-57, 66o, 66I
Lowe, Lady, 652
Lucchesini, Jerome, 267
Lucien, Archdeacon, 37
legacy to Bonaparte family, 42, 49, so
Lutzen, victory at (ISIJ), 55I-2
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