Napoleon: A Biography

(Marcin) #1

abandoned by Napoleon, 82
betrayal by Sieyes, 210
overthrow and execution, 78, 81, 82, 2!0
Rochefort, 329
escape route blockaded by Royal Navy,
Rode, Pierre, 233
Roederer, 213, 223, 285, 299, 301, 412,
436, 441, 449
Rolandeau, Louise, affair with Napoleon,
confiscation of treasures, 147
French loss of, 203
opposition to Napoleon, 437
reforms, 440
Rosily, Admiral, 332
Rossi, General Antonio, so, 53
Rossignol, 58
Rostopchin, Count, 520
Rothschild, Jacob, 461
Rothschild, Nathan, 461
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 5, 12, 27, 28, 32,
33, 34, 45, 47, 222, 290, 428
Napoleon's intellectual mentor, 46; loss
of fa ith in, 64, 82
writes constitution for Corsica, 38
Rousselin de St Albin, 163
Roustam (bodyguard), 275, 282, 340, 349,
537, 598, 666
Roval Navv
blockad�s, 477, 479, 480, 481,^482
maritime supremacy, 482-3
seizure of Cape Town, Java, Guadelupe
and Mauritius (1810), 489
shipping losses, 483
royalists, 209, 220, 225, 233, 248, 296, 312,
475, 596, 607
assassination attempt and opposition to
Napoleon (18oo), 242-3
attempted coup ( 1812), 540
emigres allowed to return in 1802
amnesty, 249-50
Ruche!, 356, 357
Russia, Dowager Empress of, 496
defeat at Zurich, 204
leaves Allied coalition (18oo), 204, 234
reallied with Britain in Third Coalition,
victories in Italy (1796), 203
Treaty of Bucharest with Turkey (1812),
Russian campaigns against Napoleon
1805: battle of Durrensten, 341; Russian
defeat at Austerlitz, 341-5
1807, 365-80: French victories: Eylau,
366--70; Heilsberg, 373; Friedland,
375-6; Treaty of Tilsit, 376-8o; Erfurt

conference and treaty, 401-5, 495
1812, 493-543: battle of Smolensk,
SII-14; advance on Moscow, 515-20;
battle of Borodino, 5 17-20; guerrilla
warfare, 521, 526-9; occupation of
Moscow, 52o-3; retreat fr om Moscow,
524-40; battle of Maloyaroslavets, 525,
526; Napoleon's mistakes, 541- 3
Russian invasion of Poland (1812), 538;
occupation of Warsaw (1813), 547

Sacken, s8o
Saint-Cloud palace
drama of Brumaire, 216--19
Napoleon moves to palace, 263 -4
St-Cyr, Gouvion, 351, 501, 564, 567
Saint-Denis (servant), 638
St Dizier, 585
St Helena, exile and death, 636-62
Saint-Hilaire, General Geoffroy, 171, 343,
367, 368
death in action, 415
St-Michel, Commissioner Lacombe, 64, 65
St Priest, General, 584
St Vincent, Admiral, 174
Salamanca, s6o
battle of (1812), 518, 545
Saliceti, Christophe Antoine, 53, 6o, 61,
62, 66, 71, 73, 74, 75, 77, 78, 79-80,
IIO, 128, 147, 436
Bonapartes' champion, 70, 72
breaks with Napoleon, 127
San Sebastian, falls to British (1813), 561
San Stefano island, French landing, 61, 62
Sand, George, 400
Santerre, Antoine, 56, 58
failure of French expedition (1793), 6o-2
Napoleon's involvement, 61-2
Sault, 341
Savary, General (aide), 295, 345, 405, 408,
6J2, 633, 637
chief of police (18ro), 474
Napoleon's favourite troubleshooter,
Scherer, General, 92, IOJ
defeated by Russians in Italy, 203
Schill, Major, 416
Schwarzenberg, Prince, 469, 470, 501, 503,
so4, 538, s64, s6 s, s66, s67, 569, 578,
sn s8o, 581, 582, 583, 584. 587, 6u
Scott, Sir Walter, 664
Sebastiani, Colonel, 214, 216, 265
Segur, Marshal Louis-Philippe de, 25, 522,
Selim III, Sultan, 361
declares war on Russia and Britain, 362
overthrown, 376, 377, 378
Seringapatam, battle of, 200
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