Napoleon: A Biography

(Marcin) #1

Princesse de Chimay, 37I
Talma, Fran.yois-Joseph, 598
Taranto, 267
evacuated by Napoleon, 264, 265
Tchentchev, SOI
Thermidoreans, 2IO, 233, 26I, 296
jettisoned by Napoleon, 244
Thiard, Alexander, 343
Thiard, Theodore de, 3I6, 3I7
Third Coalition, 335-45, 352
defeated, 34I -s
Thugut, Baron, 203, 226
Tippoo Sahib, 6o, I68, 200
Tone, Wolfe, IS9, I6o
Toplitz, battle of (I8I3>, s6s
Topographical Bureau of the Committee
for Public Safety, Paris, post in, 92-3
Torbay, Napoleon's arrival (ISIS), 635
Tornassov, 520
Touche-Treville, Admiral Louis de Ia, 238,
324-s, 333
blockades: by Nelson (I803), 323, 325,
326; Royal Navy, 480 occupied by
British (I 793), 70, 72 preparations for
invasion of Egypt (I798), I72, I73,
I74 siege by Republican forces (I793)
and retaken by Napoleon, 72-6, I75;
massacre of collaborators, 76;
Napoleon wounded and promoted
brigadier-general, 7 5, 76
Napoleon exiled with family fr om
Corsica ( I793), 65, 70
Toulouse, captured by Wellington (I8I4),
Tournon, Comte de, 440
Toussaint l'Ouverture, 238, 239, 274
Trafalgar, battle of, 332, 392
Troyes, 579, 582, 584
captured by Allies, 583
Truguet, Admiral, 6o--I
Tshitsagov, General, 530, 533, 534, 535
alliance with France's enemies in Second
Coalition, I 8 I
declares war on Russia and Britain, 362
entry into Egypt, I95, I99
holy war on France, I84, I85
Ottoman Empire, 494
routed in Egypt, I 96--7
strategy towards by Napoleon, I68, I73,
Syrian campaign, I &t---9 4
Treaty of Bucharest with Russia (I812),
uprising in Constantinople (I807), 376
Tuscany, ruled by Elisa, 384, 424
Tyrol uprising, 422, 424, 443

Ussher, Captain, 597
Uxbridge, General Lord, 623

Valen.yay, Treaty of (I8I4), 576
N. commissioned in artillery as second
lieutenant in La Fere regiment, 26, 3I
promotion and transfer to 4th Artillery
Regiment, 40--2
Valencia, 399, 400, 462
Valletta, fall of, I75, I76
Valladolid, 546, 559, s6o
Valmy, battle of, 6o, I36
Vandal, 222
Vandamme, General, 343, soi, 564, 565,
Varennes, Louis XVI's flight to, 4I, 55
Varese, Abbe, subdeacon at Autun
Cathedral, I 5
Vaubois, General, I24, I28, I76
Vauchamps, battle of (I8I4), 58I
Vendee revolts, 242-3, 253, 479, 6n, 6I3
Venice, 234
French occupation, I32-3, 146
looted by Army of Italy, IJ3, I47, ISI,
I 57
offered to Austria by Napoleon, I32-3,
IS6, I57
Verdun, 584
Verona, I32
battle of, I 40
massacre of French garrison, I32, ISI
Versailles, 263
Vienna, 227, 234
captured in I8os, 34I
conclave of ISIS, 606--7
surrender to Napoleon in I809, 4I4
Victor, Marshal Oaude Perrin de, 75, 23I,
307, 374, 405, 447, 458, 552, s6s, 577,
s8 I, 582, 583
defeat at Talavera, 45I
hero of Friedland, 374
promoted Marshal, 375
Russian front (I812), SOI, 530, 533
Vignali, Father, administers extreme
unction on Napoleon (I82I), 655, 66o
Vigny, 428, 664
Villeneuve, Admiral, I8I, I87, 325, 326--7,
328, 329, 330, 33 I, 332, 333, 334
disgrace and suicide, 333
taken prisoner at Trafalgar, 333
Vilna, 507, 509, 510, 538
Visconti, Marchesa, I20
Vitebsk, 509, SID--I I
Vitoria, battle of s6o
Volney, Constantin, 2IJ, 3I6

Wagram, battle of (I8oq), 4I8-2I , 424
Napoleon's last great victory, 420
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