Law of Success (21st Century Edition)

(Joyce) #1


objects or whether it repels them. The nature of this energy can allow two hydrogen
atoms to bond with an oxygen atom to form a molecule of water, or a sodium and a
chloride atom to join to create a molecule of salt. The nucleuses of the atoms are
never changed, but the atoms themselves are joined into something new because
of the nature of their energy.
In a Master Mind group, the energy of their individual minds surrounds the
people who comprise the group. Their energies interact, and what results is some-
thing new and different.

These facts concerning the smallest analyzable particles of matter
have been briefly referred to as a starting point from which we shall
undertake to ascertain how to develop and apply the law of power.

Vibrating Matter

It has been noticed that all matter is in a constant state of vibration
or motion; that the molecule is made up of rapidly moving particles
called atoms, which, in turn, are made up of rapidly moving particles
called electrons.
In every particle of matter is an invisible force which causes the
atoms to circle around one another at an inconceivable rate of speed.
One rate of vibration causes what is known as sound. The human
ear can detect only the sound that is produced through from 20 to
about 20,000 cycles per second.
As the rate of cycles per second increases above that which we
call sound, they begin to manifest themselves in the form of heat.
[Today this phenomenon is used in microwave ovens.]
Still higher up the scale, vibrations or cycles begin to register in
the form of light. Ultraviolet rays are normally invisible, and energy
with a wavelength of higher order than ultraviolet is also invisible
but can have a tremendous effect on physical objects. Science is still
probing these upper limits and perhaps future discoveries will explain
what today remains a mystery.

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