Consequently, the editors of this edition have found that in suggesting
supplemental materials, certain books and audiobooks also recur frequently.
Such is the case with this subject of concentration and Hill's advice to "see
yourself" as you will be when you have already achieved your objective. What
Napoleon Hill is advising is not simply daydreaming. It is a very specific tech-
nique called "visualization, " and many people have difficulty achieving the kind
of vivid imagery that is required for it to have any real effect.
The following books are suggested here because they are particularly helpful
in developing the technique of creating powerful mental imagery. Most are also
available on audio: Visualization: Directing the Movies of Your Mind by Adelaide
Bry, Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain, Psycho-Cybernetics by Dr. Maxwell
Maltz, Getting Well by Dr. O. Carl Simonton, and The Initiation by Donald Schnell,
which includes a description of the visualization technique in spiritual story form.
Also suggested are all of the audiobooks featuring the Silva Method trainer Hans
Dejong, whose tapes include an unusual method of quieting the mind using an
audio tone that is designed to put the mind in the alpha state.
When you become familiar with the powers of Concentration, it
becomes clear why it is so important to choose a Definite Chief Aim
as the first step in the attainment of enduring success.
The presence of any idea or thought in your consciousness tends
to produce an "associated" feeling and urge you to an appropriate
or corresponding action. Hold a deeply seated desire in your con-
sciousness, through the principle of Concentration, and if you do it
with full faith in its realization, this act will attract powers that the
entire scientific world has failed to understand or explain.
Concentrate your mind on the attainment of the object of your
deeply seated desire and soon you will attract, through those forces
that no one can explain, the material counterparts of that desire.
This now brings us to the principle that constitutes the most
important part of this lesson, if not the most important part of the