Law of Success (21st Century Edition)

(Joyce) #1

The old religious orgy known as the revival meeting offers a favorable
opportunity to study the principle of mind chemistry created within a
Master Mind.
It will be observed that music plays no small part in bringing about
the harmony essential to the blending of a group of minds in such a
meeting. Without music the revival meeting would be a tame affair.
During revival services the leader of the meeting has no difficulty
in creating harmony in the minds of his devotees, but it is well known
that this state of harmony lasts no longer than the presence of the
leader, after which the Master Mind that leader has temporarily created
By arousing the emotional nature of his followers, the revivalist has
no difficulty, with the proper stagesetting music, in creating a Master
Mind which becomes noticeable to all who come in contact with it.
The very air becomes charged with a positive, pleasing influence that
changes the entire chemistry of all minds present.
The revivalist calls this energy "the Spirit of the Lord."
Through experiments conducted with a group of scientific inves-
tigators and laymen (all of whom were unaware of the nature of the
experiment), I have created the same state of mind and the same positive
atmosphere without calling it the Spirit of the Lord.
On several occasions I have witnessed the creation of this same
positive atmosphere among a group of men and women engaged in
the business of salesmanship, without calling it the Spirit of the Lord.
I once helped conduct a school of salesmanship for Harrison
Parker, founder of the Cooperative Society, of Chicago, and, by the
use of the principle of mind chemistry that revivalists call the Spirit
of the Lord, so transformed the nature of a group of three thousand
men and women (all of whom were without former sales experience)
that they sold more than $ IO million worth of securities in less than
nine months and earned more than $ I million for themselves.

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