Law of Success (21st Century Edition)

(Joyce) #1

Every normal human body has a first-class chemical laboratory
and a stock of chemicals sufficient to carryon the business of breaking
up, assimilating, and properly mixing and compounding the food we take
into the body, preparatory to distributing it to wherever it is needed as
a body builder.
Tests have been made, both with humans and animals, to prove that
the energy known as the mind plays an important part in this chemical
operation of compounding and transforming food into the required
substances to build and keep the body in repair. It is known that worry,
excitement, or fear will interfere with the digestive process, and in
extreme cases stop this process altogether, resulting in illness or death.
It is obvious, then, that the mind enters into the chemistry of food
digestion and distribution.
It is believed by many eminent authorities, although it may never
have been scientifically proved, that the energy known as mind or
thought may become contaminated with negative or "unsociable"
elements, causing the entire nervous system to be thrown out of
working order-digestion is interfered with and various diseases will
manifest themselves. Financial difficulties and unrequited love affairs
head the list of causes of such emotional disturbances.
A negative environment, such as that existing where some member
of the family is constantly nagging, will interfere with the chemistry of
the mind to the point that the individual loses ambition and gradually
sinks into oblivion. It is because of this fact that the old saying that a
man's wife may either make or break him is literally true. In a subsequent
lesson a section on this subject is addressed to spouses.
Anyone knows that certain food combinations will, if taken into
the stomach, result in indigestion, violent pain, and even death. Good
health depends, at least in part, on a food combination that harmonizes.
But harmony of food combinations is not sufficient to ensure good
health; there must also be harmony between the elements of energy
known as the mind.

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