Accomplishment resume. See Business
accomplishment resume
Accountants, hiring/fees, 59, 114–115, 148
Accounting, 8, 114–115
Accounts receivable/payable, 86, 94, 128
Advertising, 112–113, 144–147, 199–200
After you open
getting out of business, 189–191
watching for problem areas, 184–189
Annual income, 86, 94–96
Annual living expenses, 97–99
Antique car businesses, 26
Antoinette’s dress shop example
break-even analysis figures, 38, 41, 42,
business consultant review of plan, 169
business description, 27, 29
capital spending plan, 124–125
cash flow forecast, 126–127, 135–137
future trends statement, 34
introduction to, 3
marketing plan, 141, 142, 143, 145, 147,
personal goal statement, 164
personnel plan, 152–156
plan summary, 160–163
profit and loss forecast, 104–105, 107,
108–109, 119
risk analysis, 151
self-evaluation lists, 14–16
table of contents for appendix, 166
Appendix, business plan, 2, 158, 159,
Apple computers, 205–206
Appraisal of assets, 90
Artistic enterprises, 82
Assets, 63–64, 85–90
Auto tune-up shop, 22
Average cost of sales, 103–106, 107
Average gross profit, 41–46
Bakeries, 23
Balance sheet, 8, 189–190
Balloon payment loans, 52, 65, 133
Bank bonds, 86
Banker’s analysis/ideal, 17–19
Bank loans, 64–66, 69, 71, 72, 173,
Bankruptcy, going into, 61, 190–191
Bankruptcy, prior, 173
Bar and restaurant business, 105
Bonds, 86
Bookkeeper, hiring a, 115, 148
Bookkeeping, 8, 15, 115, 209
Bookkeeping business example, 44
Books for small businesses
background on business, 197–198
business form and legal matters, 200–202
business location, 200
choosing a business, 198
finding money, 198–199