INDEx | 265
quick plan (one-day) outline, 158
title page and table of contents, 166
writing final portions, 159–164, 167
Education, getting a formal business,
Electronics businesses, 24–25
books on hiring, 200
consultants as, 195
expensing benefits paid to, 118
vs. independent contractors, 114
key employee resumes, 165
payroll taxes on, 110, 114, 132–133
personnel plan, 2, 152–156, 159
piece-rate/commission costs, 106, 110
spotting theft by, 119–120
staffing schedule, 2, 153
workers’ compensation insurance, 114
Equipment, 117, 118, 124
Equipment leasing, 69
Equity in other assets, for financing, 63–64
Equity investments/investors, 54–59, 160,
177–178, 181
Evaluating decision to start a business. See
Business concept; Owning a business
Examples of business plans. See Sample
business plans
Existing businesses, 43, 68–70
Expanding a business, pitfalls of, 188–189
capital items/assets, 111, 124
cost of sales, 103–106, 107, 110, 124
fixed costs, 36, 40–41, 43–47, 63, 111,
preopening costs, 122, 135–136, 160
Factors/factoring companies, 69–70
Failure in business, 187–188
Family, financing from, 62–63, 173,
Fax service business, 129–132, 135
Federal agency loan assistance, 72–74, 196
Finalizing your plan. See Editing and
finalizing your business plan
Financial problems, handling past, 173
Financial projections, 7. See also Break-
even analysis; Profit and Loss Forecast
Financial statement. See Personal financial
from asset equity, 63–64
banks for, 64–66, 69, 71, 72
books on, 198–199
business plans to attract, 1–2, 6, 63
cash flow forecasts reflecting future, 134
comparing loans and equity investments,
creative cost-cutting and, 63
deducting payments to investors, 118
equity investments, 54–59, 160
existing businesses, additional sources
for, 68–70
federal, state, local programs, 72–74
friends, relatives, colleagues, 62–63
insurance companies and pension funds,
loans, 51–54, 58–59
overview on, 12–13, 51, 59–60, 75
from personal savings, 60–62
public offerings, 74–75
from supporters, 64