It Starts With Food: Discover the Whole30 and Change Your Life in Unexpected Ways

(Grace) #1

reduced risk of systemic inflammation and
related conditions and diseases. (Remember,
fruit is real food—a complex makeup of
health-promoting substances!) In addition,
fruit provides your taste buds with natural
sweetness in a much healthier (and nutrient-
packed) form than the supernormal sweetness
of candy, cookies, or cake.


We   have    one     important   piece   of
advice in this section: Don’t let
fruits push vegetables off your
plate just because they are more
fun to eat. While fruits are
certainly nutrient-dense and
yummy, they are not as nutritious
as vegetables. In addition, if you
don’t particularly like fruit, you
don’t have to eat any! We don’t
know of a single micronutrient
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