It Starts With Food: Discover the Whole30 and Change Your Life in Unexpected Ways

(Grace) #1

playing with our children, or cleaning the

There are some major benefits to being
“fat adapted,” able to efficiently utilize fat as
energy. First, you’ll no longer need to eat
every two hours to avoid the raging hunger,
crankiness, or brain fog that comes with
relying on glucose to fuel your energy needs.
When you’re fat-adapted (as in our Good Day
example), you can go many hours between
meals feeling and performing just fine, as
your body has learned to mobilize your fat
stores for energy.

In addition, once you’re fat-adapted,
you’ll be able to start whittling away at your
fat stores—something you are unable to do
when your blood sugar and insulin levels are
chronically elevated. (Remember, chronically
elevated insulin levels impede glucagon’s
energy-access function!)

Finally,    when    you’re  fat-adapted,    you’ve
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