It Starts With Food: Discover the Whole30 and Change Your Life in Unexpected Ways

(Grace) #1

The framework for our Whole30 program
and general recommendations are built on
what we’ve learned from some very smart
people—one in particular. Robb Wolf, the
New York Times bestselling author of The
Paleo Solution and one of the world’s leading
experts on the Paleo lifestyle, has been a
friend and mentor for several years now. Robb
has influenced our program and the way we
work with our clients tremendously. In fact,
his “thirty-day elimination” approach formed
the foundation of our Whole30 program.

As a result, the basics of our food
recommendations look a lot like the
fundamental tenets of the Paleo diet. You’ve
probably heard of it by now—you know, that
“caveman diet” the media has been talking
about? Its recommendations are based on the
diet consumed by man during the Paleolithic
era—a 2.6-million-year period of time that
ended about 10,000 years ago with the advent
of agriculture. The theory is that we are

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