It Starts With Food: Discover the Whole30 and Change Your Life in Unexpected Ways

(Grace) #1

Some of you will fall into the other camp
—you’re simply not going to be hungry for
the first few weeks. It’s partly because of the
hormonal recalibration, and partly because
you’re now eating meals that are sending
honest-to-goodness satiety signals to your

If you simply never feel like eating,
common sense should tell you it’s not normal.
In this case, you will have to temporarily
override the signals your body is sending you,
or risk further hormonal disruption because of
chronic lack of nutrition. Our basic three
meals a day are the minimum requirement for
your caloric needs, so make sure you’re at
least getting those. Consider adding some
activity to your day too—a brisk walk, weight
training, or an exercise class should fire up
your appetite. Within a few weeks, your
hormones and hunger mechanism should self-
regulate, and you’ll be able to start listening
to your body for real.

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