driven dreams about off-plan foods—some so
intensely real, they wake up feeling guilty.
Talk about an unhealthy psychological
Since you’ve removed many of the dense
carbohydrates from your diet (like sugars,
grains, and legumes), your body can no longer
rely on those sugars as a primary energy
source. That often leads to “withdrawal”
symptoms like headaches, lethargy, and
crankiness—the “carb flu”—as your body
adjusts to its new fuel source. Ease off your
physical activity this week—don’t take part in
any big races or events, and don’t expect to
set any personal bests in the gym. Your body
is desperately trying to recalibrate during this
first critical week, so give it the time, space,
and rest it needs to do so.
You may see a significant change in your
body as you shed excess water weight and the
incumbent bloating. Don’t get too excited: