Light on Life: The Yoga Journey to Wholeness, Inner Peace, and Ultimate Freedom

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self and not in the Infinite where time, in the linear sense, no longer ex­
ists. This holds true even more of samadhi. Nobody can say "I am in
samadhi." One cannot talk or communicate. Samadhi is an experience
where the existence of "I" disappears. Explanation can come only
through the presence of "I," so samadhi cannot be explained.
We are now in the innermost sheath, or causal body, where we can
see that we are divine and the self with a small "s" is replaced by the
big "S" Self, as we truly understand at the core of our being that our
individual soul is part of the Universal Soul. It is said that the meaning
of life becomes apparent only in the face of death. At this point in prac­
tice the ego dissolves, or rather it gives up its impersonation of the true
Self. This is the culmination of yoga, samadhi (blissful absorption), the
final freedom whereby the individual soul merges in the ocean of being.
All this time we have identified ourselves with our bodies, our organs,
our senses, our intelligence, and our ego, but here we are totally with
the soul. In meditation, consciousness faces the soul itself. Samadhi is
seeing the soul face to face. It is not a passive state. It is a dynamic one
in which the consciousness remains in a state of equilibrium in all cir­
cumstances. The disturbances of the mind and emotions fade away,
and we are able to see true reality. Our consciousness, clear of thoughts
and emotions, becomes transparent. It becomes crystal clear, as both
memory and intelligence are cleansed. As a flawless crystal reflects any
color without any blurring or admixture, our consciousness, when it is
pure and untainted by disturbances, reflects the object of thought
clearly. Whether we look at our work, our marriage, or our children,
we do so clearly and, without the clutter of pollution, we are able to
see the truth. When the clouds covering the sun move away, the sun
shines brilliantly. In the same way when the covering of the self in the
form of afflictions, disturbances, and impediments is removed, the Self
shines brilliantly in its own glory. After significant effort, a yo�-:a prar·
titioner reaches a state where some asana poses arc cffonll'ss. Whar Wl"

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