- Which of the following is clearly associated with the curiosity drive?
a. The need to escape from pain
b. The need for affiliation
c. The search for meaning in life
d. The tendency to seek novel stimulation - Which of the following is a motive to associate with others?
a. The need for dominance
b. The need for exhibition
c. The need for aggression
d. The need for affiliation - According to Freud, what force in the mind is responsible for the creation of
unconscious motives?
a. Repression
b. Ego inhibition
c. Superego excitation
d. Homeostasis - Which one of the following is associated with cognitive needs?
a. Seeking a higher rank within an organization
b. Working a crossword puzzle
c. Looking for love
d. Searching for shelter - Self-actualization is most closely linked to which of the following?
a. Feeling hungry
b. Maximizing potentialities
c. Seeking novel stimulation
d. Wanting affection - What does Maslow call moments of joy or ecstasy experienced when a hurdle
is overcome, a task is completed, or a goal is reached?
a. Hedonic experiences
b. Transcendental experiences
c. Peak experiences
d. Summit experiences - Frankl argues that the highest level of motivation for human beings is the
a. will to meaning
b. need for transcendental experience
c. wish to become one with the All
d. desire to exercise the will to power