this chapter, recognizes the importance that others play in determining our
After completing this chapter, you will be able to
- define social psychology;
- identify six important aspects of interpersonal attraction;
- describe the four key components making up an attitude;
- discuss the factors involved in the art of persuasion;
- specify the processes that induce conformity;
- explain the three ways in which human beings reduce cognitive dissonance.
You will recall from chapter 9 that Aristotle called the human being the think-
ing animal. The human being could just as well be called the social animal.(The Social
Animalis, indeed, the title of a book by the research psychologist Elliot Aaronson.)
A moment’s reflection reveals that much human behavior occurs in group set-
tings: the family, school, club, church, military unit, and so forth. These group set-
tings automatically imply interactions with other people. The way in which we
interact with others such as our friends, parents, siblings, and coworkers affects our
moods and much of what we do.
All of us are immersed in a sort of sea of other human beings. This is what
was referred to in the context of Erik Erikson’s developmental theory as the
social world(see chapter 11). And although we all seek isolation and escape
from the social world from time to time, few of us would want to become per-
manent hermits.
In order to examine the full spectrum of human behavior it is essential to
explore social behavior,behavior that involves interactions with other people.
Social psychology,the subject matter of this chapter, is the systematic study of
how exchanges with these others in our environment influence our thoughts,
feelings, and actions.
(a) Social behavior is behavior that involves with other people.
(b) Social psychology is the systematic study of how exchanges with others in our environ-
ment influence our , feelings, and.
Answers: (a) interactions; (b) thoughts; actions.