Psychology: A Self-Teaching Guide

(Nora) #1


  1. What exists between two people when they make, or wish to make, more
    approach responses than avoidance responses to each other?
    a. Bilateral attention
    b. Unilateral attraction
    c. Interpersonal attraction
    d. Narcissistic attraction

  2. According to the matching hypothesis, one of the following is correct.
    a. A woman who perceives herself as very bright will look for a bright male.
    b. A man who is short will generally be attracted to statuesque women.
    c. An individual who wants to become a big financial success will tend to be
    attracted to people without ambition.
    d. A man who perceives himself as very bright will look for a woman of
    slightly below average intelligence.

  3. Sophia is more attracted to her friend Susan than to her friend Rebecca. Susan
    gives compliments to Sophia sparingly and with restraint. Rebecca gives com-
    pliments to Sophia freely and frequently. What theory explains Sophia’s
    greater attraction to Susan?
    a. The paradoxical theory of interpersonal attraction
    b. The gain-gain theory of interpersonal attraction
    c. The gain-loss theory of interpersonal attraction
    d. The win-win theory of interpersonal attraction

  4. What component of an attitude refers to the fact that an attitude is said to be
    either positive or negative?
    a. The reactive component
    b. The variability component
    c. The polarization component
    d. The evaluative component

  5. An appeal to authority, in order to be effective, should be
    a. information oriented
    b. credible
    c. scientific
    d. statistical

  6. An emotional appeal is often persuasive. Such an appeal
    a. bypasses reason and logic
    b. is effective because it uses metalogic
    c. is said to be “cognitive” in its effects
    d. trades on the self-actualization process

Social Psychology: Interacting with Other People 259
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