The Last Black Unicorn

(Ann) #1
Ex-Boyfriend:    “FOR    REAL?   You     for     real    fucked  a
handicapped dude? I know you got a big heart and
everything but GODDAM, Tiffany!”

Tiffany:    “So what,   it  happened    years   ago.”

Ex-Boyfriend:    “You    said    it  was     the     best    sex     you     ever
had! Now I gotta compete with a handicapped dude?
What I got to do to be better than him?”

Tiffany:     “It’s   not     about   that.   It  was     the     passion,    the
intensity of it all.”

Ex-Boyfriend:   “What   exactly do  you want,   do  you want
me to make my hand like a little dinosaur hand to
smack you with my mngertips? Is that what you want?
Make funny noises when we fuck? You want me to

Tiffany:     “No,    it  was     Roscoe,     it  was     diĉerent,   you’re
diĉerent. You don’t have to be angry—you’re better
than Roscoe in other ways.”

ͳat was the wrong thing to say. He went crazy over
that shit. Angry, yelling about how much better he was than
some handicapped dude who lived in a group home. Shit, I
would hope so! If you gotta point that out, you already in
Later on we were at a store together, and there was a

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