The Last Black Unicorn

(Ann) #1
him at?”

Tiffany:    “Why    don’t   you go  ask him?”

Now mind you, Titus came on the boat with $50, so he’s
highly intimidated. Basically, he’s intimidated by Ex-
Husband because the dude has a job. And like, money from
that job.
ͳen everywhere we went, Ex-Husband was always
trying to do stuĉ for me. Trying to buy me a drink in the
casino. Trying to buy me stuff at the port.
ͳen Ex-Husband came up to me at the end of the
cruise, with Titus standing right there:

Ex-Husband:  “Maybe  we  can     exchange    numbers     or
something. I live in Georgia, but you know, I’ll call

ͳen Titus be over here talking shit. TO ME! He pulled
me aside, yelling at me.

Tiffany:    “Why    you bitching    at  me? You don’t   even    say,
‘Hey man, that’s my girl.’ Or whatever, and you want
to cuss me out, like yelling at me?”

Titus:   “No,    you     talk    to  this    motherfucker.   I’ve    been
avoiding them, you tell them. That’s your job.”

Tiffany:    “Fuck   you.    You acting  like    a   bitch.”
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