The Last Black Unicorn

(Ann) #1

the argument!
Now, obviously he wasn’t standing there mlming us like a
camera crew would do. ͳat would have been really weird.
I wasn’t even positive he was mlming us, he was sneaky
about it. He was always around with his boy and their
camera, but I thought maybe he was just mlming his
vacation. ͳis was back when people did that shit.
Everybody was walking around with cameras. Everybody
was filming everything. In 2001, that shit was normal.
It all came to a head when I was in the cruise talent
show. I was singing James Brown’s “Sex Machine,” and man,
I was into it. I was kinda drunk, so I was gettin’ sexy, yelling
into the mic, all of that. The crowd loved it.
Titus was in the crowd, and I guess he was getting all
anxious about me being sexy, so he runs up to me and
throws a jacket around my shoulders, like James Brown.
ͳen Ex-Husband runs up and throws his boxers and a
key to his cabin on the stage. I am serious, the dude took his
boxers off somehow, and then threw them onstage.
Well, that changed the whole dynamic.
Titus was hella mad. But he wasn’t even man enough to
yell at Ex-Husband. He just yelled at me!

Titus:  “You    fucking him?”

Tiffany:    “I  didn’t  even    ask that    man to  do  any of  that,
he just did it himself!”

Titus:  “You    fucking him,    ain’t   you?    Where   you fucking
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