The Last Black Unicorn

(Ann) #1

I came off the stage, this lady came up to me.

Lady:   “You    were    amazing.    I   peed    on  myself. I   peed    on

Tiffany:    “Oh,    thank   you.    How many    kids    do  you have?”

You know, because women be peeing themselves after
they have babies.
Lots of bad shows, too. I used to host this room at the
San Manuel Casino every Wednesday night, and this one
night, a girl was demnitely intoxicated. She kept talking
through everybody’s set, and I was hosting the show. I kept
saying, “Watch yourself. Let everybody enjoy the show. You
need to be quiet. Calm down.” After the third comic, she
started again, and it went off.

Drunk    Girl:   “Yo,    is  this    guy     gonna   be  funny?  ͳem
others was stupid!!!”

Tiffany:     “Look,  I’m     getting     tired   of  you     talking     to
people all disrespectful, and if you don’t quit, you’re
gonna have a problem.”

Drunk    Girl:   “Bitch,    you’re   gonna   have    a   problem,

I went the fuck oĉ. She started gangbanging, throwing up
signs and talking crazy, so I started banging back. I ain’t
even from no gang, but I start representing my old hood.

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