The Last Black Unicorn

(Ann) #1

grocery store real cheap. You can laugh at me. God knows
Jada and Will were laughing at me.

Jada:    “Oh     man,    Tiĉany,     it’s    you.    It’s    you,    Tiĉany,     it’s

Tiffany:    “What’s so  funny?  You ever    had Barefoot?   It’s

Jada:    “Yes,   I’ve    had     it.     I   love    hanging     out     with    you,
because you remind me of back when I was young,
and living in Baltimore, just getting started. You just
remind me of the good old days.”

I thought, Damn, your good old days must have sucked.
She asked me what I was doing the next day, because we
had the day off from shooting.

Tiffany:    “Oh,    I   got me  a   Groupon,    so  I’m going   on  the
swamp tour.”

Jada:   “Who    you going   with?”

Tiffany:    “By myself.”

Jada:   “You    going   all by  yourself?”

Tiffany:     “Yeah,  I   don’t   have    no  friends     out     here    in
Louisiana, I’m going by myself.”
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