The Last Black Unicorn

(Ann) #1

Will Smith came running out the hotel like he’s in Bad
Boys 7 and he jumped in the back seat of my car.

Will:    “Whoa,  it’s    been    years   since   I’ve    been    in  a
regular car.”

Then    Jada    runs    in  behind  him.

Jada:    “Oh     my  God,    these   windows     aren’t  tinted,     I
don’t feel safe.”

Tiffany:    “Really,    Jada?   You from    Baltimore,  bitch.  Like
for real?”

Jada:   “Oh my  goodness,   fine    let’s   go, right?”

Will:   “Yeah,  let’s   go, we  don’t   want    to  be  late.”

So I started driving. ͳe whole time, I was thinking I was
leaning back in the seat driving all cool. But the next day,
Jada told me I was up on the steering wheel. Of course I
was up on the steering wheel, because all I could think was,
You don’t want to be the chick on TMZ that killed the Fresh
Prince of Bel-Air. Be careful, Tiffany. Drive carefully.
I was trying to play music for them. I was playing the
radio, and Chris Brown came on, and it was a new Chris
Brown song. And it was so funny, because Will was bobbing
his head, and every time I was looking in my rearview
mirror, it was like, Will Smith was in my rearview mirror,

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