She Ready Now
ͳe movie Girls Trip came out in July 2017, did thirty
million in the opening weekend, and my life totally changed.
ͳis used to be my normal conversation with directors
and producers:
Tiffany: “Hey, I would like to work with you one day.”
Producer: “Ha, yeah, you’re a good comedian.”
Tiffany: “You best get on the Tiĉany train while you
can, because it’s about to take off.”
Then they all just blew me off.
Now those same directors and producers are blowing my
phone up.
ͳe day after the movie came out, I had a hundred text
ͳe next morning when I woke up, four hundred text
ͳat week, I got probably mfteen hundred diĉerent
people texting me wanting to get together or work together
or pitch me on something.
Now, mind you, mfty of the texts were from my ex-
husband, trying to get me back. ͳree of them were from
Titus, trying to have lunch and sit down with me at some
point, and four other ex-boyfriends sending all kinds of stuĉ.
But still, most were from real Hollywood people.