The Last Black Unicorn

(Ann) #1

mirrors in it, which tilted to the sides? Somehow, she had
found one of these mirrors. It was like two feet long. I could
not understand why she had that in her hand.
I walked past her and said:

Tiffany:    “I’m    outta   here,   Mom.    You need    to  leave,  too.
Get off the property.”

Mama:    “Oh,    so  you     just    think   you     grown   now?    You
think you fucking grown?”

She reared back and threw that rearview mirror at the
back of my head. It hit me. It hit me so hard in the back of
the head, I just fell to the ground. Collapsed.

Mama:    “ͳat’s  right.  You     need    to  watch   your    back,
bitch. Take that mirror with you and watch yo’
motherfucking back.”

I was looking so cute, I had on my little heels and
everything, and it’s just, BAM!

Tiffany:     “I  cannot  believe     you     did     that.   I   should  call
the police on you right now. I should call the police.”

Mama:   “Call   the police, but just    let them    know    that    I
got your back. I’m watching your back, bitch. Don’t go
out there getting pregnant.”

Then,   just    as  quick   as  she showed  up, she left.
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