The Last Black Unicorn

(Ann) #1
Tiffany:     “What?  You     ain’t   no  damn    pimp!   You’re  a
baggage handler!”

Titus:  “I  dunno.  Fake    Suga    Free    thinks  I   could   do  it.”

Tiffany:     “Why    you     hanging     out     with    that    guy?    You’re
not a pimp, you’re a baggage handler. And I like that
about you. I like that when you come home from
work, you smell like luggage. I like men who smell like
their work. It means they have a job.”

Titus:  “Pimping    is  a   job.”

Tiffany:    “I  DON’T   WANT    MY  MAN SMELLING    LIKE

Titus:   “Yeah,  but     I   could   probably    make    more    money

Tiffany:    “Yeah,  but you could   also    end up  in  jail.   And
what if you get, like, bad hoes? ͳen you’ll lose
money. It don’t make sense.”

He dropped it for a while. ͳen he got mred from his job
with the airline.

Titus:  “I’m    finna   go  to  full-time   pimping.”

Tiffany:     “If     you    finna    be  a   pimp,   I’m    finna    be  outta
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