wheelchair with oxygen tubes, Titus would be trippin’.
Titus: “Oh you want some old ass now? ͳat it? My
dick is too hard for you now?”
Every few minutes, it was something. If I was dancing or
having a good time, he’d come over.
Titus: “What you dancing for?”
Tiffany: “Because I like it, it makes me happy.”
Titus: “Why you gotta be all happy?”
Tiffany: “It’s a damn party, motherfucker! On a cruise!
Why you think we’re here, this ain’t a fishing boat!”
Titus: “Oh, I see how it is, you lookin’ to ride the Ho
Boat to Ho Island!”
What’s funny is that on that cruise I met the man who I
would eventually marry, and then who would end up
becoming my ex-husband. I had no idea at the time that any
of this would happen. We just met a normal way. He said
“Hi” or whatever, and we talked for a while. I wasn’t even
into him, but when he told me he was a policeman, I was
like, Oh, it’s always good to have police friends.
And then my future ex-husband starting acting weird,
following me around the boat, mlming me from a distance.
And of course, Titus hated that, and he would yell at me