THE HAPPIEST THOUGHT OF MY LIFE' 179 I mentioned in Chapter 7 the contributions Einstein made to special relativity after the co ...
l8o RELATIVITY, THE GENERAL THEORY stein's starting question, 'which must occur to everyone who has followed the applications of ...
'THE HAPPIEST THOUGHT OF MY LIFE' l8l paths.' The trick of using three coordinate systems is ingenious. On the one hand, S and S ...
I own two mementos of Einstein, which I cherish. One is his last pipe. Its head is made of clay, its stem is a reed. Helen Dukas ...
'THE HAPPIEST THOUGHT OF MY LIFE' 183 this article at least as much as the perfect relativity paper of 1905, not so much for its ...
1O Herr Professor Einstein 10a. From Bern to Zurich Soon after December 1907 Einstein began his academic career. His first step, ...
HERR PROFESSOR EINSTEIN 185 Tuesday mornings from seven to eight to an audience of three friends, including Besso. His second an ...
l86 RELATIVITY, THE GENERAL THEORY therefore, to disqualify a man only because he happens to be a Jew. Indeed, one occasionally ...
HERR PROFESSOR EINSTEIN 187 In Bern he had tried to follow up experimentally on this idea in 'a small labora- tory for electrost ...
l88 RELATIVITY, THE GENERAL THEORY his first contacts with larger segments of the physics community. Such circum- stances often ...
HERR PROFESSOR EINSTEIN 189 body. I did succeed in inventing something which formally corresponds to [a quan- tum theory], but I ...
190 RELATIVITY, THE GENERAL THEORY that time. In the Gibson lecture on the origins of the general theory of relativity, given in ...
HERR PROFESSOR EINSTEIN 1Q1 E14. , letter to J. Laub, March 16, 1910. E15. , letter to J. Laub, Summer 1910, undated. E16. , let ...
11 The Prague Papers Ha. From Zurich to Prague 'I will most probably receive a call from a large university to be full professor ...
THE PRAGUE PAPERS 193 [Fl]. On January 10, he sent his letter of resignation, which was accepted on February 10 [P2]. In Februar ...
194 RELATIVITY, THE GENERAL THEORY lib. 1911. The Bending of Light is Detectable Do not Bodies act upon Light at a distance, and ...
THE PRAGUE PAPERS 195 touch and this element of closure is missing. His style of writing changes. Instead of statements made wit ...
196 RELATIVITY, THE GENERAL THEORY tional field by a state of motion without gravitational field, as little as one can transform ...
THE PRAGUE PAPERS 197 Now go to the frame S with its gravitational field. In that frame, we install the same equipment S, and S ...
198 RELATIVITY, THE GENERAL THEORY equivalence principle only. Then, after the tensor equations of general relativity have been ...
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