Easy Pose Dedicated to Sage Bharadvaja 2
Sukha Bharadvajasana 2
(SUK-uh buh-ruhd-vuhj-AHS-uh-nuh)
Modification: foot to the inside of the thigh
Pose Type: seated, twist, binding
Drishti Point: Parshva Drishti (to the right), Parshva Drishti (to the left)
Sideways Easy Pose Dedicated to Sage Bharadvaja 2
Parshva Sukha Bharadvajasana 2
(PAHRSH-vuh SUK-uh buh-ruhd-vuhj-AHS-uh-nuh)
Modification: foot to the inside of the thigh, side bend
Pose Type: seated, side bend
Drishti Point: Hastagrai or Hastagre (hands)