2,100 Asanas: The Complete Yoga Poses

(Elliott) #1

Ear Pressure Pose Prep.

Karnapidasana Prep.

Modification: one hand to the lower back; other arm up over the head, elbow bent, fingertips to the
floor; both knees bent, one knee to the elbow of the front arm, heel of the other foot toward the sitting
Pose Type: inversion, forward bend
Drishti Point: Nabhi, Nabhicakre, or Nabi Chakra (belly button)

Ear Pressure Pose


Modification: both knees bent, feet off the floor; arms straight behind the back and off the floor,
palms up
Pose Type: inversion, forward bend, balance
Drishti Point: Nabhi, Nabhicakre, or Nabi Chakra (belly button)

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